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Oxidized polyethylene Wax

2020/3/29 15:14:26发布152次查看
  • CAS:68441-17-8
  • 提供加工定制:是

oxidizedpe waxes have polar redical, are compatible with pigment and filler and filler in rubber and plastic industrial. oxidized pe waxes with high acid value are easy to emulsify, wax emulsion can beused in textile, paper, leather finishing and release agent industrial.
chemical composition
oxidizedpolyethylene wax
technical parameters
natureof the product
yellowflake/ granule
density       g/cm3
meltingpoint    ℃
acidvalue  mg koh/g
characteristics and purposes
ø         pewo-0500-40is a non-toxic, and non-corrosive oxidized polyethylene wax. it has high softening point, low viscosity, and good chemical stability. and, it has a good compatibility to rubber and plastic waxes, andother materials.
ø         pewo-0500-40can be used in light industry, chemical industry, petroleum, and other areas of additives and processing aids. it can also be used in pvc processing, adhesives, textile finishing, cardboard and paperindustries, moisture release agents, coatings, precision casting mold, glass product tu-corrosion agent, and plastic packaging materials.
ø         itcan be make as pvc film lubricant, profiles, pipes, plastic processing industry which can improve the toughness of plastic products, makes the surface smooth, flat, and improves yield.
ø         pewo-0500-40can be widely used for paper industry after being emulsified. in some higher paper requirements can play, it can play a unique sizing effect.
ø         postemulsification of the wax additives used in dyeing and finishing for the apparel industry, help increase the softness of the fabric. it can also be applied to water-based inks and water-based shoepolish production, carton moisture and moisture resistance paper products, and mold release agent.
ø         pewo-0500-40can increase softening point, and as well increases good strength of the surface gloss of the wax products.
ø         pewo-0500-40can be used for various hot melt adhesives production.
ø         use:direct use. dissolve and melt after using in solvent.
packaging and storage
ø         paper-plasticbag, net weight: 20kg / bag.
thisproduct is non-dangerous goods. please store it away from ignition sources and strong oxidants.




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