【相关推荐:python3视频教程 】
first is an mit-licensed python package with a simple function that returns the first true value from an iterable, or none if there is none. if you need more power, you can also supply a key function that is used to judge the truth value of the element or a default value if none doesn’t fit your use case.简单来讲就是会返回第一个正确的可遍历对象。
from first import firstprint(first([0, none, false, 77,[], (), 42]))
import refrom first import firstre1 = re.compile('(.)b(.*)')re2 = re.compile('a(.*)')# re1,re2换位置结果变化m = first(regexp.match('abcwerfwer') for regexp in [ re2,re1])print(m)if not m: print('no match!')elif m.re is re1: print('re1', m.group(1))elif m.re is re2: print('re2', m.group(1))#<re.match object; span=(0, 10), match='abcwerfwer'>#re2 bcwerfwer
import refrom first import firstre1 = re.compile('(.)b(.*)')re2 = re.compile('a(.*)')m = first(regexp.match('abcwerfwer') for regexp in [re1, re2])print(m)if not m: print('no match!')elif m.re is re1: print('re1', m.group(1))elif m.re is re2: print('re2', m.group(1))#<re.match object; span=(0, 10), match='abcwerfwer'>#re1 a
from tqdm import tqdm# 还可以用以下办法是一个道理# from tqdm import trange# for i in trange(0,len(year),96):print(len(year))for i in tqdm(range(0,len(year),96)): # print(temp[i:i+96],len(temp[i:i+96])) try: df2.loc[index,3:99] = list(np.insert(df2.values[:,3:99], index, values=temp[i:i+96], axis=0)[index]) # print(temp[i:i+96]) # df.insert(1, '0:00', value=temp[i:i+96], allow_duplicates=true) # print(index,'+',len(year)) except exception as e: pass index+=1
listnode类中只有一个__init__属性,delattr函数就是人为删去此属性,在第一个a处会在控制台打印self.val的值,但下一个a处就会出现typeerror: listnode() takes no arguments,这是因为属性__init__已经被删除,就不需要传入x值,所以出现报错
class listnode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.next = none print(self.val)class solution: def reversebetween(self , head: listnode, m: int, n: int) -> listnode: a = listnode(1) delattr(listnode, '__init__') a = listnode(1)# 报错b= solution()b.reversebetween(1,2,3)
#分享一首诗给大家,每个版本都有import this
【相关推荐:python3视频教程 】